Perubahan Struktur Komunitas dan Biomassa Gulma yang Tumbuh selama Fase Vegetatif Tanaman Padi (Oryza sativa L.) di Desa Bulusari, Kecamatan Sayung, Kabupaten Demak
Gulma padi merupakan tumbuhan pengganggu yang tumbuh bersama padi
dan jika tidak dikendalikan akan menurunkan jumlah dan mutu hasil panen.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisa perubahan struktur komunitas, biomassa
gulma padi dan faktor lingkungan selama fase vegetatif tanaman padi. Manfaat
dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi tentang jenis-jenis
gulma padi dan karakteristiknya. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juni 2018 di
Desa Bulusari, Kec. Sayung, Kab. Demak; dan Laboratorium Ekologi dan
Biosistematik Biologi Undip. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah
metode random sampling dengan menggunakan plot berukuran 1 m x 1 m
sebanyak 12 plot. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 9 jenis gulma yang termasuk ke
dalam 6 famili. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dihitung INP setiap jenis dan
Indeks Keanekargaman Jenis gulma setiap minggu. INP tertinggi terdapat pada
spesies E. colonum (L) Link. Indeks Keanekaragaman Jenis gulma padi tergolong
rendah – sedang. Untuk mengetahui tingkat kompetisi gulma terhadap tanaman
padi ditentukan berdasarkan biomassa gulmanya. Pertambahan biomassa tertinggi
terdapat pada spesies E. colonum (L.). Faktor lingkungan meliputi intensitas
cahaya, suhu udara, kelembaban udara, pH tanah dan ketinggian tempat cukup
mendukung gulma untuk tumbuh dan berkembang.
Kata Kunci : Gulma Padi, Struktur Komunitas, Biomassa2
Rice weeds are disturbing plants that grow with rice and otherwise wellcontrolled, it will reduce the quantity and quality of crops. The aim of this
research was to analyze changes in community structure, rice weed biomass and
environmental factors during the vegetative phase of rice plants. The benefit of
this research was expected to provide information about the types of rice weeds
and their characteristics. This research was conducted in May 2018 in Bulusari
Village, Sayung District, Demak Regency and Ecology and Biosystematics
Laboratory, Department of Biology, Undip. The method used in this research was
a random sampling method using 12 plots with the size of 1 m x 1 m. The result
showed 9 types of weeds which belonged to 6 families. Based on the data
obtained, it was calculated the Important Value Index (IVI) of each type and the
Diversity Index of weed types every week. The highest IVI was found in E.
colonum (L) Link. Diversity Index type of rice weed was classified as low until
medium. The level of weed competition on rice plants can be determined based on
the weed biomass. The highest increase of biomass was found in the species E.
colonum (L.) Link. Environmental factors include light intensity, air temperature,
air humidity, soil pH and altitude were classified quite support for rice weed to
grow and develop.
Keywords: Rice Weed, Community Structure, Biomass
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