Evaluasi Terhadap Sistem Pendataan Alumni Sma Negeri 1 Randublatung Dengan Metode Usability Testing
Sistem Pendataan Alumni SMA Negeri 1 Randublatung (SPA SMARANSA) adalah sistem yang menyediakan informasi tentang alumni SMA Negeri 1 Randublatung. Informasi tentang keberadaan alumni di suatu sekolah berperan sangat penting, dikarenakan dapat membantu pihak manajemen sekolah untuk meningkatkan proses belajar di sekolah dan membantu untuk memperluas jaringan dengan institusi lainnya diluar sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur ketergunaan atau usability dari SPA SMARANSA. Terdapat empat aspek usability yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu effectiveness, efficiency, learnability, dan satisfaction yang kemudian digunakan sebagai aspek penilaian. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat usability sistem bagi para pengguna akhir dengan menganalisis permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh pengguna ketika menggunakan sistem. Sebanyak 16 responden penelitian yang terdiri dari 6 responden staf administrasi dan 10 responden alumni, dipilih untuk melakukan usability testing pada sistem. Dari hasil evaluasi sistem yang dilakukan dengan responden staf administrasi, didapatkan hasil aspek aspek effectiveness mencapai 76,9%, aspek efficiency 81,1%, aspek learnability 90%, dan aspek satisfaction mencapai 88,6%. Sedangkan hasil pengujian yang dilakukan pada sistem dengan responden alumni didapatkan nilai aspek effectiveness mencapai 85%, aspek efficiency 90,7%, aspek learnability 88,8%, dan aspek satisfaction 80,67%. Dari hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa masih terdapat dua aspek yang perlu ditingkatkan yaitu aspek effectiveness hasil pengujian dengan responden staf administrasi dan aspek satisfaction hasil pengujian dengan responden alumni. Hasil wawancara dengan responden menghasilkan rekomendasi yang kemudian dapat digunakan untuk perbaikan sistem.
Kata kunci : Evaluasi, Sistem Alumni, Usability, Usability Testing.
Sistem Pendataan Alumni SMA Negeri 1 Randublatung (SPA SMARANSA) was a system that provided information about the alumni of SMA Negeri 1 Randublatung. Information about the existence of alumni in a school played a very important role because it could help the school management to improve the learning process at school and to expand the network with other institutions outside the school. This study aimed to measure the usability of SPA SMARANSA. There were four usability aspects used in this study, namely effectiveness, efficiency, learnability, and satisfaction which were then used as assessment aspects. This study was conducted to determine the usability level of the system for end users by analyzing the problems faced by users when using the system. A total of 16 research respondents consisting of 6 administrative staff respondents and 10 alumni respondents were selected to do the usability testing on the system. From the results of the system evaluation conducted by administrative staff respondents, the effectiveness aspect reached 76.9%, the efficiency aspect was 81.1%, the learnability aspect was 90%, and the satisfaction aspect reached 88.6%. While the results of testing conducted on the system by alumni respondents obtained 85% for effectiveness aspect, efficiency aspect was 90.7%, learnability aspect was 88.8%, and satisfaction aspect was 80.67%. From these results, it could be concluded that there were still two aspects that need to be improved, namely the effectiveness aspect of the testing results by administrative staff respondents and satisfaction aspect of the testing results by alumni respondents. The results of interview with respondents produced recommendations that could be used to improve the system.
Keywords : Evaluation, Alumni System, Usability, Usability Testing.
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