Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Kegiatan Tugas Akhir Dengan Menggunakan Metode Object Oriented Analysis And Design (OOAD) Berbasis Web
Mata kuliah Tugas Akhir merupakan mata kuliah yang wajib diambil bagi setiap mahasiswa
Departemen Ilmu Komputer/ Informatika Universitas Diponegoro. Mata kuliah Tugas Akhir
memiliki 3 kegiatan besar diantaranya registrasi tugas akhir, pendaftaran seminar tugas akhir
dan pendaftaran sidang tugas akhir. Proses bisnis serta penggantian jabatan koordinator
tugas akhir menyebabkan Sistem Informasi yang dahulu dikembangkan belum
mengakomodir perubahan proses bisnis dari 3 kegiatan besar mata kuliah tugas akhir serta
penerapan aturan baru koordinator tugas akhir. Oleh karena itu perlu dikembangkan kembali
Sistem Informasi untuk memperbaiki dukungan Sistem Informasi agar mengakomodir 3
kegiatan besar mata kuliah tugas akhir. Dalam proses pengembangan Sistem Informasi
menggunakan pendekatan metode Object Oriented Analysis And Design (OOAD) dalam
metodologi ripple. Metodologi ripple menggunakan pendekatan objek dalam analisa dan
desain suatu Sistem Informasi serta memiliki model proses pengembangan yang iteratif dan
bertahap sehingga menghasilkan sistem yang sesuai dengan permintaan serta dapat
digunakan lebih awal meskipun pengembangan sistem masih dilakukan.
Kata kunci : kegiatan Tugas Akhir, OOAD, metodologi ripple
The final course was a compulsory subject for every student of the Department of Computer
Science / Informatics of Diponegoro University. The final assignment has three major
activities including the final assignment, the final seminar and the final trial. The business
process and the replacement of the position of the final assignment coordinator caused the
previously developed Information System doesn’t to accommodate business process
changes from the 3 major activities of the final assignment subject and the implementation
of the new rules of the final task coordinator. Therefore needed to be developed again
Information System to improved support of Information System to accommodate 3 major
activity of subject of final task. In the process of developing Information System using
Object Oriented Analysis And Design (OOAD) method approach in ripple methodology.
The ripple methodology uses an object approach in the analysis and design of an Information
System and has an iterative and gradual development process model that allows to produced
a demand-driven system and can be used early even though the development process were
still ongoing.
Kata kunci : activities of the final project, OOAD, ripple methodology
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