Rancang Bangun Monitoring Gas Hidrogen Sulfida (H2S) Menggunakan Sensor MQ136 Dilengkapi Peringatan Dini
Telah dirancang dan direalisasikan alat monitoring gas hidrogen sulfida (H2S) menggunakan sensor MQ136 dilengkapi peringatan dini. Monitoring gas H2S pada suatu industri sangat penting untuk menjamin keselamatan kerja di dalam lingkungan industri dan sekitarnya, agar tidak merugikan kedua belah pihak yaitu perusahaan dan masyarakat. Sistem terdiri dari mikrokontroller dan sensor. Jika mendeteksi gas H2S mikrokontroler akan memberikan keluaran ke LCD, led dan rangkaian driver relay. Hasil dari sistem tersebut adalah untuk gas H2S di bawah 10ppm led hijau akan bekerja dan led merah akan off bersama warning light dengan sirine. Ketika diatas 10ppm dibawah 20ppm led hijau akan off dan led merah akan on tetapi warning light dengan sirine off. Ketika H2S berada di atas 20ppm maka led hijau akan mati dan led merah bersama warning light dengan sirine on.
Kata kunci: Monitoring H2S,Sensor MQ136
It has been designed and created hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S) monitoring tool using MQ136 sensor equipped with early warning. H2S gas monitoring in an industry is very important to ensure the safety of work within the industry and surrounding environment, so as not to harm both parties is companies and society. The system consists of microcontroller and sensor. If detecting H2S gas microcontroller will give output to LCD, led and relay driver circuit. The result of the system is for H2S gas below 10ppm. The green led will work and the red led off with a warning light coincide with sirens. When above 10ppm below 20ppm the green led will off and red led on but warning light with siren is off. When H2S is above 20ppm then the green led will die and red led with warning light with siren on.
Keywords: H2S Monitoring, Sensor MQ136
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