Sistem Informasi Pengolahan Data Pegawai (SIPDAP) Menggunakan Metode Unified Process (Studi Kasus : Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kabupaten Purworejo)
Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) adalah badan yang mengelola data Aparatur Sipil
Negara (ASN). BKD Kabupaten Purworejo tersebut merupakan unsur pendukung tugas
pemerintah daerah di bidang kepegawaian daerah. Badan tersebut dipimpin oleh seorang
Kepala Badan yang berkedudukan di bawah dan tanggungjawab kepada Bupati Kabupaten
Purworejo melalui Sekretaris Daerah. Dalam mengolah data kepegawaian, BKD
Kabupaten Purworejo sudah menggunakan aplikasi online dari Badan Kepegawaian
Negara (BKN) dengan nama SAPK (Sistem Aplikasi Pelayanan Kepegawaian). SAPK
belum dilengkapi fitur untuk mengelola data riwayat pegawai, rekapitulasi pegawai,
statistik pegawai, dan mencari pegawai yang mencapai Batas Usia Pensiun (BUP) pada
periode tertentu, yang menyebabkan keputusan pimpinan terkait dengan formasi,
pengadaan, penerimaan, mutasi, dan promosi pegawai menjadi terhambat. Berdasarkan
permasalahan tersebut dibuat sistem informasi pengolahan data pegawai menggunakan
metode unified process untuk memenuhi kebutuhan BKD Kabupaten Purworejo. Sistem
dibuat dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP, framework codeigniter, dan menggunakan
DBMS MySQL. Sistem dapat menangani pengelolaan data riwayat pegawai, rekapitulasi
pegawai, statistik pegawai, serta mencari pegawai yang akan mencapai BUP, sehingga
dapat membantu keputusan pimpinan terkait dengan formasi, pengadaan, penerimaan,
mutasi, dan promosi pegawai. Sistem diuji dengan pengujian fungsional sistem dengan
metode black box dan pengujian usability yang meliputi learnability, efficiency,
memorability, errors, dan satisfaction. Dari hasil pengujian usability, sistem informasi
pengolahan data pegawai memperoleh persentase nilai keseluruhan 91%, dan berdasarkan
kategori yang ada maka sistem masuk dalam kualifikasi sangat baik dan hasilnya berhasil.
Kata kunci : PHP, Framework CodeIgniter, Sistem Informasi Pegawai, Unified Process
Regional Employment Agency (Badan Kepegawaian Daerah or BKD) is an agency that
manages the data of State Civil Apparatus. BKD of Purworejo District is supporting
elements for regional government in a field of regional employment. This agency is led by
Head of the agency under the authorities from the Regent of Purworejo District through the
Regional Secretary. In employment data processing, BKD of Purworejo District is already
using the online application from the State Employment Agency with the name of SAPK
(Civil Service Application System). SAPK has not been equipped with features to manage
employee history data, employee recapitulation, employee statistic, and search for the
employee who reaches the limit of Retirement Age at a certain period, which make leader
decision relating to the formation, procurement, receipt, transfer, and promotion of
employee become hampered. Based on these problems, an information system for
employee data processing is created using the unified process to meet the needs of BKD of
Purworejo District. The system created with the programming language PHP, CodeIgniter
framework, and MySQL DBMS. The system can handle the management of employee
history data, employee recapitulation, employee statistics, and search for the employee
who will reach the retirement age, so it can help leader decisions related to the formation,
procurement, receipt, transfer, and promotion of the employee. The system is tested with
the system functional testing with black box methods and usability testing which include
learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, and satisfaction. From the results of usability
testing, an information system for employee data processing obtains the percentage of the
overall value of 91%, and based on the categories, the system qualified as an excellent and
successful result.
Keyword : PHP, Framework CodeIgniter, Employee Information System, Unified Process
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