Analisis Data Runtun Waktu Menggunakan Metode Wavelet Thresholding dengan Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform (Studi Kasus : Nilai Tukar Rupiah Terhadap Dollar US Tahun 2004-2014) 519.55 KUS a
Analisis radionuklida alam dalam material bangunan semen, gipsum dan pasir dilakukan secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif menggunakan metode spektrometri gamma dengan detektor HPGe. Aktivitas konsentrasi 226Ra, 232Th dan 40K paling besar terdapat pada sampel pasir sebesar 42,12 Bq kg-1, 27,79 Bq kg-1 dan 316,20 Bq kg-1. Radium ekivalen (Raeq) paling besar terdapat pada sampel pasir sebesar 106,21 Bq kg-1 sesuai nilai batas maksimal Raeq yaitu 370 Bq kg-1. Indeks bahaya internal dan eksternal paling besar terdapat pada sampel pasir sebesar 0,401 dan 0,287 sesuai nilai batas maksimal yaitu ≤1. Laju dosis serap paling besar terdapat pada sampel pasir sebesar 49,52 nGy h-1 yang dibawah nilai batas maksimal yaitu 84 nGy h-1. Laju dosis Efektif paling besar terdapat pada sampel pasir sebesar 0,243 µSv y-1 yang sesuai dengan batas dosis untuk material bangunan yaitu 1 µSv y-1. Seluruh material bangunan semen, gipsum dan pasir yang telah dianalisa tidak menimbulkan bahaya radiologi sehingga aman digunakan sebagai konstruksi gedung maupun tempat tinggal.
Kata kunci: Radionuklida alam, Dosis Radiasi, Spektrometer Gamma
Building materials cement, gipsum and sand were analized quantitatively and qualitatively for the natural radionuclides using gamma spectroscopy method with detector high purity germanium (HPGe). The highest value observed in the activity concentration of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K were found in sand that 42,12 Bq kg-1, 27,79 Bq kg-1and 316,20 Bq kg-1. The highest value of radium equivalent (Raeq) 106,21 Bq kg-1 was found in sand are bellow the internationally accepted values (370 Bq kg-1). The highest value of internal and external hazard indices were found in sand 0,401 dan 0,287 are less than unity (Hin≤1 and Hex≤1). The highest value of absorbed dose rate was found in sand 49,52 nGy h-1 are lower than the world population-weight average of 84 nGy h-1. The highest annual effective dose values was found in sand 0,243 mSv y-1 is lower than the limit of accepted value 1 mSv y-1. The study shows that measured radioactivity for bulding materials cement, gipsum and sand does not pose as significant source radiological hazard and is save for use in construction of building or dwelling.
Keywords: Nature Radionuclide, Radiaion Dose, Gamma Spectrometry
Wavelet is a mathematical tool for analyzing time series data. Wavelet has certain properties
one of which is localized in the time domain and frequency and form an orthogonal basis in
the space L2(R). There are two types of wavelet estimators are linear and nonlinear wavelet
estimators. Linear wavelet estimators can be analyzed using the approach of Multiresolution
Analysis (MRA), while nonlinear wavelet estimator called Wavelet Thresholding. Wavelet
thresholding are emphasizing the reconstruction of wavelet using a number of the largest
coefficient or can be said that only coefficient greater than threshold value, while other
coefficients are ignored. There’re Several factors affect the smoothness estimate on Wavelet
Thesholding include the type of wavelet function, types of functions thresholding,
thresholding parameters, and the level of resolution. On the issue of the problems is to have
optimal threshold value. Based on the results of empirical studies of data of the rupiah
against the US dollar using wavelet thresholding method produced a value Mean Square
Error (MSE) that smaller compared to analysis using the method of approach
Multiresolution Analysis (MRA). Analysis using Wavelet Thresholding with a case study of
the rupiah against the US dollar is considered better than the analysis using MRA approach.
Keywords: Multiresolution Analysis, Wavelet Estimator thresholding.
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