Uji Antagonis Kapang Endofit Duwet (Syzigium cumini (L.) Skeels) Terhadap Isolat Kapang Fusarium Oxysporum Penyebab Penyakit Moler Pada Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum L.) Secara In-Vitro 579 AFI u
Kapang endofit adalah kapang yang sebagian atau seluruh siklus hidupnya
berada pada jaringan tumbuhan tanpa membahayakan inangnya. Pemanfaatan
kapang endofit sebagai pengendali patogen tanaman telah banyak diteliti secara
in-vivo maupun in-vitro. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya antagonis
8 isolat kapang endofit duwet (Syzygium cumini (L) Skeels) terhadap kapang
patogen F. oxysporum, penyebab penyakit moler pada bawang merah.
Pengamatan terhadap daya antagonis isolat kapang endofit dilakukan dengan
metode dual culture. Potongan kapang endofit dan kapang patogen F. oxysporum
berdiameter 4 mm diletakkan berhadapan dalam cawan petri yang sama dengan
jarak 3 cm. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap
(RAL) satu faktor, yaitu 8 isolat kapang endofit, dengan 3 kali ulangan. Variabel
yang diamati adalah persentase daya hambat. Isolat kapang endofit diidentifikasi
secara konvensional sampai tingkat genus. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa
kapang endofit tersebut terdiri dari 1 isolat Aspergillus, 5 isolat Penicillium, 1
isolat Fusarium, dan 1 isolat Mycelia sterilia. Seluruh isolat kapang endofit duwet
memiliki daya antagonis terhadap F. oxysporum dengan persentase daya hambat
yang bervariasi antara 1,1-36,0%. Isolat kapang Fusarium JD1 menunjukkan
daya antagonis terbesar terhadap F. oxysporum sebesar 36,0%.
Kata kunci : kapang endofit, duwet, F. oxysporum, daya hambat pertumbuhan.
Endophytic fungi inhabit plant hosts for all or part of their life cycle in
plant tissues without doing harm to its host. Utilization of endophytic fungi as
controlling plant pathogens has been widely studied in in-vivo and in-vitro. The
aims of this study was to determined the antagonistic activities of 8 endophytic
fungal isolates from some parts of duwet (Syzigium cumini (L.) Skeels.) tree
against F. oxysporum, a pathogenic fungi causing bulb rot disease on red onion.
This study was conducted using Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with 8
endophytic fungal isolates as treatment, done in triplicates. The antagonistic
activity were examined using dual culture method, by determined the percentage
of inhibition. The mycelial plugs (4 mm diameter) of endophytic fungi and
pathogenic fungi F. oxysporum were placed in same dish 3 cm each other. The
endophytic fungal isolates were conventionally identified to genus level. The
identification results showed that endophytic fungi came from 1 isolates of
Aspergillus, 5 isolates of Penicillium, 1 isolate of Fusarium, and 1 isolate of
Mycelia sterilia. All endophytic fungal isolates showed capability on inhabiting
the growth of F. oxysporum with the percentage of inhibition varied between 1.1
to 36.0%. Fusarium JD1 isolates showed the highest antagonist activity against F.
oxysporum (36.0%).
Keywords : Endophytic fungi, duwet, Fusarium oxysporum, growth inhibition.
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