Profil Temperatur Aktivitas Kompleks Enzim Lignoselulolitik Termostabil Pengurai Limbah sagu
Potensi sagu di Indonesia mencapai 1,4 juta hektar atau lebih dari 50% potensi sagu di dunia. Perkembangan industri pengolahan pati menyebabkan peningkatan hasil samping berupa limbah sagu. Limbah sagu mengandung 44,13% selulosa, 21,09% hemiselulosa dan 23,30% lignin. Kandungan lignoselulosa yang sangat tinggi ini sangat potensial dimanfaatkan untuk diproses menjadi gula sederhana dengan proses hidrolisis. Hidrolisis lignoselulosa secara enzimatis efisien namun relatif mahal karena harga enzim yang tinggi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan enzim yang ekonomis dari konsorsium termofilik kompos. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan starter turunan yang optimum dalam mendegradasi limbah sagu dari variasi starter turunan dan mendapatkan data profil temperatur aktivitas kompleks enzim lignoselulolitik, selulase dan xilanase dari kultur limbah sagu.
Tahapan dalam penelitian ini adalah preparasi limbah ampas sagu, preparasi suspensi starter mikroba, optimasi kultur starter turunan yaitu starter turunan padat, suspensi saring dan suspensi, produksi dan isolasi kompleks enzim lignoselulolitik, fraksinasi enzim dengan amonium sulfat, dialisis enzim dengan membran selofan, penentuan suhu optimum kompleks enzim lignoselulolitik, penentuan suhu optimum enzim selulase, penentuan enzim xilanase, dan uji kadar protein dengan metode Lowry.
Hasil penelitian memperoleh starter turunan optimum yaitu starter turunan suspensi, kompleks enzim lignoselulolitik memiliki aktivitas spesifik tertinggi pada suhu 75oC sebesar 0,0486 U/mg protein, enzim selulase memiliki aktivitas spesifik tertinggi pada suhu 50oC sebesar 0,0187 U/mg protein, dan enzim xilanase memiliki aktivitas spesifik tertinggi pada suhu 45oC sebesar 0,0030 U/mg protein.
Sago field in Indonesia reached 1.4 million hectares or more than 50% of agricultural potential of sago world. The development of starch processing caused the increasing of byproducts such as sago waste. Sago waste contain 44,13% cellulose, 21,09% hemicellulose and 23,30% lignin. The high content of lignocellulose is potential source of fermented sugar by hydrolisis process. Enzymatic hydrolisis is efficient but relatively expensive due to the high price of the enzyme. The study was conducted to obtain an economical enzymes from a thermophilic compost consortium. This study aims to obtain optimum starter derivative degrading sago waste of variation starter derivative and obtain temperature profile data lignoselulolitic activity of enzyme complex, cellulase and xylanase of sago waste culture.
This research performed through several steps, waste sago pulp preparation, preparation of suspension starter microbes, optimization of starter cultures derived namely starter derived solid, suspension filter and suspension, the production and isolation of enzyme complex lignocellulolitic, fractionation the enzyme with ammonium sulfate, dialysis enzyme with membrane cellophane, the determination of the optimum temperature lignocellulolitic enzyme complex, determining the optimum temperature of the enzyme cellulase, xylanase enzyme determination, and test the protein content by Lowry.
Research results derived obtain optimum starter is a starter suspension derivatives, enzyme complexes lignocellulolitik has the highest specific activity at a temperature of 75oC was 0,0486 U/mg protein, cellulase enzyme has the highest specific activity at 50°C was 0,0187 U/mg protein, and the enzyme xylanase has the highest specific activity at 45oC was 0,0030 U/mg protein.
1290C16IV | 547 MAN p | Perpustakaan FSM Undip (Referensi) | Tersedia |
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