Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Peminatan Peserta Didik Menggunakan Metode Profile Matching Dengan Implementasi SMS Gateway (Studi Kasus: SMA Negeri 2 Sukabumi)
Dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013 di tingkat SMA, peminatan peserta didik dilakukan
sejak kelas X. Pilihan peminatan yang tersedia antara lain Matematika dan Ilmu Alam, IlmuIlmu Sosial, dan Ilmu Bahasa dan Budaya. Proses penentuan peminatan dilakukan oleh guru
BK secara cermat melalui proses seleksi berdasarkan beberapa kriteria diantaranya nilai
rapor, nilai ujian nasional, nilai ujian akhir sekolah, catatan prestasi, pilihan peminatan, dan
hasil psikotes. Dalam proses penentuan peminatan ini, pihak sekolah sering menghadapi
beberapa kendala terkait dengan standar kriteria dari masing-masing peminatan. Untuk
mengatasi kendala tersebut serta meminimalisir terjadinya kesalahan, dibutuhkan sebuah
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan dalam menjalankan proses penentuan peminatan. Pada
penelitian ini, sistem yang dibuat menerapkan metode Profile Matching. Metode Profile
Matching menghitung kompetensi tiap individu berdasarkan kriteria yang diberikan.
Implementasi metode Profile Matching dioptimalkan dengan menempatkan core dan
secondary factor secara dinamis di tiap jurusan sehingga diperoleh hasil perhitungan
peminatan yang ideal. Guna memberikan nilai tambah pada sistem, disertakan juga fasilitas
SMS Gateway yang dapat membantu proses pemberitahuan hasil perhitungan kepada para
siswa peserta peminatan.
Kata kunci : Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK), Profile Matching, SMS Gateway, Core dan
secondary factor.
In the effort of implementing school year 2013's curriculum at high school level, majoring
selection for students start from the level of class 10. The majoring selection available are
Math and Sciences (MIA), Social Sciences (IIS), and Linguistics and Cultures (IBB). The
majoring selection process conducted by the counseling teacher through a carefully selection
based on several criteria including grades, graduation test scores, record of accomplishment,
student's selected majoring, and psychological test results. During the process, the school are
often times have to deal with several constraints associated with the standard acceptance rules
from each majoring department. To deal with these constraints and minimize the occurrence
of human errors, it takes a Decision Support System to carry out the process. In this study, the
system to be built applying the Profile Matching method.
Profile Matching method calculates the competence of each individual based on given
criteria. The implementation of Profile Matching method is optimized by placing core and
secondary factor dynamically on each majoring department in order to obtain an ideal results
from the majoring selection process. In order to provide added value to the system, an SMS
Gateway feature has been installed to help broadcasting the majoring selection results to the
participating students.
Keywords : Decision Support System, Profile Matching, SMS Gateway, Core and secondary
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