Pengaruh Variasi D-Glukosa Sebagai Template Terhadap Karakter Silika Hasil Sintesis Abu Sekam Padi Untuk Uji Adsorpsi-Desorpsi Urea
Telah dilakukan sintesis mesopori silika untuk menentukan pengaruh variasi
konsentrasi zat aditif D-glukosa terhadap karakter mesopori silika yang dihasilkan, dan
kemampuan mesopori silika dalam adsorpsi-desorpsi terhadap urea. Sintesis mesopori
silika dilakukan dengan menambahkan natrium silikat (Na2SiO3) dari abu sekam padi pada
larutan D-glukosa dengan variasi konsentrasi 15 wt%, 30 wt%, 45 wt%, 60 wt%, 75 wt%.
Larutan HCl 3 M ditambahkan secara bertahap hingga mencapai pH 7. Penghilangan Dglukosa menggunakan metode ekstraksi air dengan proses sentrifugasi, serta dilakukan uji
kualitatif dengan pereaksi Benedict. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji kemampuan adsorpsidesorpsi terhadap urea. Karakterisasi hasil menggunakan spektrofotometri serapan atom,
gas sorption analyzer (GSA) metode Brunauer Emmet Teller (BET), spektrofometer FTIR,
dan spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan partikel material yang halus
menuju kasar seiring dengan variasi konsentrasi D-glukosa yang ditambahkan. Analisis
FTIR pada silika hasil sintesis dengan variasi konsentrasi D-glukosa 15 wt%, 30 wt%, 45
wt%, 60 wt%, dan 75 wt% menunjukkan adanya gugus Si-OH dan gugus Si-O-Si.
Dekonvolusi spektra FTIR juga diketahui rasio Si-OH/Si-O-Si pada MS-30 lebih tinggi
dibandingkan dengan variasi konsentrasi yang lainnya. Hasil analisis GSA menunjukkan
bahwa silika gel yang mempunyai pori berukuran meso pada sampel MS-30 dan MS-60.
Distribusi ukuran pori MS-30 dan MS-60 yang seragam. Hasil analisis spektrofotometer
UV-Vis, daya adsorpsi MS-30 lebih tinggi dibandingkan yang lainnya yaitu 55.40%, daya
desorpsi MS-30 lebih rendah dari yang lainnya yaitu 13.72%. Hasil AAS menunjukkan
natrium silikat mengadung kadar Si sebanyak 16.342 ppm sehingga diperoleh silika
sebesar 32.68 %.
Kata Kunci: Mesopori silika, Sol-Gel, D-Glukosa, Adsorpsi-Desorpsi, Urea
The synthesis of mesoporous silica has been carried out to determine the effect of
variations in the concentration of D-glucose additives on the character of the resulting
mesoporous silica, and the ability of mesoporous silica in adsorption-desorption of urea.
Mesoporous silica synthesis was carried out by adding sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) from rice
husk ash to D-glucose solution with various concentrations of 15 wt%, 30 wt%, 45 wt%,
60 wt%, 75 wt%. The solution of HCl 3M was added gradually until it reached pH 7. The
removal of D-glucose used the water extraction method with a centrifugation process, as
well as a qualitative test with Benedict's reagent. Furthermore, the adsorption-desorption
ability test was carried out on urea. The characterization of the results used atomic
absorption spectrophotometry, the Brunauer Emmet Teller (BET) gas sorption analyzer
(GSA) method, FTIR spectrophotometer, and UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The results
showed that the particles of the material were smooth to coarse along with variations in the
concentration of D-glucose added. FTIR analysis of synthesized silica with various
concentrations of D-glucose 15 wt%, 30 wt%, 45 wt%, 60 wt%, and 75 wt% showed the
presence of Si-OH groups and Si-O-Si groups. FTIR deconvolution spectra also found that
the Si-OH / Si-O-Si ratio at MS-30 was higher than the other concentration variations. The
results of the GSA analysis showed that the silica gel had meso-sized pores in the MS-30
and MS-60 samples. Uniform pore size distribution of MS-30 and MS-60. The results of
UV-Vis spectrophotometer analysis showed that the adsorption power of MS-30 was
higher than the others, namely 55.40%, the desorption power of MS-30 was lower than the
others, namely 13.72%. The AAS results showed that sodium silicate contained 16,342
ppm Si levels so that the obtained silica was 32.68%.
Keywords: Mesoporous silica, Sol-Gel, D-Glucose, Adsorption-Desorption, Urea
1758C20IV | 1758 C 20-iv | Perpustakaan FSM Undip (Referensi) | Tersedia |
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