Pengembangan Smart Chicken Eggs Incubator Berbasis Internet Of Things dengan Metode Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Smart Chicken Eggs Incubator merupakan salah satu penerapan dari Internet of Things
dalam bidang peternakan khususnya pada penetasaan telur ayam. Peternak melakukan proses
penetasan telur ayam menggunakan inkubator buatan dan dalam proses penetasan telur ayam
tersebut muncul masalah yaitu dalam proses monitoring pada lingkungan di dalam inkubator
seperti suhu, kelembapan maupun rotasi telur yang masih dilakukan secara manual. Berkat
penerapan Internet of Things, ide Smart Chicken Eggs Incubator memberikan solusi dalam
menyelesaikan masalah monitoring proses penetasan telur ayam secara realtime. Skripsi ini
menjelaskan pembangunan prototype Smart Chicken Eggs Incubator System dengan
menerapkan Internet of Things yang memiliki tiga subsistem yaitu embedded system,
aplikasi berbasis web dan Telegram bot. Web apps yang dibangun dapat digunakan untuk
memantau perkembangan kondisi inkubator berdasarkan data – data sensor yang telah
terkirim selama proses penetasan telur. Sedangkan pada Telegram bot dapat dilakukan
monitoring realtime kondisi suhu, kelembapan, rotasi telur maupun foto keadaan di dalam
inkubator, serta notifikasi pesan jika ada kondisi pada inkubator yang berubah melewati
batas yang telah ditentukan. Pengujian prototype dilakukan selama 21 hari, dengan jumlah
data yang masuk sebanyak 3.402 records dengan interval waktu setiap 5 menit sekali dan
didapatkan waktu optimal tiap records masuk adalah 9 menit hingga 10 menit. Paradigma
pengembangan perangkat lunak berbasis objek yang digunakan adalah Object-Oriented
Analysis and Design (OOAD). Perangkat lunak web apps pada Smart Chicken Eggs
Incubator System dikembangkan dengan metode Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
(OOAD) dan telah diuji menggunakan blackbox testing dengan 39 buah test case yang
berhasil diterima.
Kata Kunci : Smart Chicken Eggs Incubator System, Internet of Things, OOAD, web apps,
Telegram bot
Smart Chicken Eggs Incubator is one of the applications of the Internet of Things in the field
of animal husbandry specifically on the hatching of chicken eggs. Breeders carry out the
process of hatching chicken eggs using artificial incubators and in the process of hatching
chicken eggs, these problems arise in the process of monitoring the environment inside the
incubator such as temperature, humidity, and egg changes which are still done manually.
Thanks to the implementation of the Internet of Things, the idea of Smart Chicken Eggs
Incubator provides a solution in solving the problem of monitoring the process of hatching
chicken eggs in realtime. This thesis explains the development of a prototype Smart Chicken
Eggs Incubator System by implementing the Internet of Things which has three subsystems
namely embedded systems, web-based applications, and Telegram bot. The built web
application can be used to develop the incubator development based on data - sensor data
that has been created during the egg hatching process. While in the Telegram bot, realtime
conditions of temperature, humidity, egg transfer, and photos of the situation inside the
incubator can be monitored, as well as message notifications if there are conditions on the
incubator that change beyond the specified limits. Prototype testing was carried out for 21
days, with the amount of data entered as many as 3,402 records with time intervals every 5
minutes and get the optimal time for each entry is 9 minutes to 10 minutes. The object-based
software development paradigm used is Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD).
Web application software on the Smart Chicken Eggs Incubator System was developed using
the Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) method and has been approved using a
black-box test with 39 test cases that were successfully received.
Keywords : Smart Chicken Eggs Incubator System, Internet of Things, OOAD, web apps,
Telegram bot
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