dengan diaduk dan dipanaskan pada 40 °C selama 4 jam. Suspensi yang
dihasilkan didiamkan selama 20 jam. Suspensi disaring kemudian dikeringkan
dalam oven pada 80 °C. Selanjutnya, produk hasil presipitasi dikalsinasi
menggunakan furnace dengan variasi temperatur kalsinasi 400, 500, 600 dan 750
dapat mencapai kemurnian yang tinggi. Semakin tinggi temperatur yang
process include milk, ice cream, wet noodle, dry noodle, and flour look for quantity of total glucose, antioxidant activity, and
antosianin decreaseful colour. Method of research include analyse quantity of total glucose assay fenol method, antioxidant
activity assay Diphenyl Pycril Hydriazil(DPPH), and observation in antosianin decreaseful colour product. The result of research
show that the best food product is purple sweet potato flour. That product has quantity of total glucose 2,805 g/100 g, IC50-
Keyword:the functionality food product, total glucose quantity, antioxydant activity IC50, antosianin decreaseful colour